Friday, December 13, 2019


If you ever hear DC fans talking they would go lie " I am the Aquaman of the group", meaning the least liked one, well if we really see it talking to fish does not appeal to a lot of people as a super power. Aquaman, the movie, came out in cinemas on December , 2018 and did a business of $1.148 billion, which is not very impressive for a DC movie. It has a 7/10 IMDB rating which tells us about the movie pretty much.
As Aquaman is the underdog of DC, they tried to revive the character of Aquaman by producing a movie and casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman. Lets get this straight Jason Momoa is a little bit too famous, in a certain age group, and it was a great move by DC but sometimes good actors just cannot over power a bad plot. Aquaman takes you to a certain point after which you feel like you are watching Ariel instead of Aquaman, it gets boring. DC has the better comics they just don;t know how to integrate their comics with the movie, which kind of makes it a mess. Aquaman, like Wonder Woman, has a superhero-mythological story but it just falls way short to climb the ladder as Wonder Woman. Movie would have been a bit better if it was of 2 hours, cutting down those extra 20 minutes. two villains in one movie was a little too much dragging, people do not want that much fight a reasonable amount works. There were a lot of flaws in the plot as well like Atlanta tells Arthur that whoever goes for the trident meets imminent death if he's not worthy of the trident and she has attempted it several times herself, she's the only one alive even after several attempts? Does not really makes sense now does it. Arthur and Mera's journey for Map of Trident is more of "Indiana Jones story" than Aquaman's. The whole Aquaman concept is based on the merging of two worlds and Arthur being born yet throughout the movie there is no connection shown between the two worlds it's like they are runnning two plots at one time. First Orm threatening the land with sea tides which just tried to kills Arthur's father (coincidence), then Black Manta coming to kills Arthur and losing, back to Orm who just wants the sea power now and does not want to avenge the land being anymore that is a bit too much plot to absorb for one movie. The humor lets just not talk about it because we just all know the reason (DC). 
The cast of the movie was really great. You actually watch the whole movie in awe because let's face it CGI and direction was on point. The movie was goofy and silly, as comic fantasy should be. All in all it was not a movie I would watch again, one time was enough I guess. 
The worst is yet to come!!!
#aquaman #DCEU #DC #moviereview #aquamanreview #arthur #jasonmomoa